Wednesday 17 April 2013

Modern Creative goes social

Hi. First of all, apologies. If you're one of the few people who visit my blog, I apologise for my lack of posts in the last few months. I've been thinking. Which is one of my weaknesses/strengths. I've sorted out a lot of shit in my head, with various jobs and projects, and well, what to do about it all! I've been doing some streamlining, and yea, at one point I wasn't sure if 'modern creative' was the right platform for me to rant and rave and share my artwork. It turns out, it is! I miss it. I have other commercial social media outlets for my mainstream/paid work, but I really need this. I really need 'modern creative'. Somewhere I can post whatever random image I may create, or whatever issue I want to rant about. And if someone out there likes it, or doesn't... I'm cool with that.
So I've set up a couple of other social media pages to tie in with this one. Y'know, to get it all connected and to help spread the word.
So if you're visiting this blog, and reading this sentence, please take a moment to visit both my Modern Facebook and Modern Twitter pages, and to 'like' and 'follow':
Ok, I'm designing some upcoming blogs to get the juices flowing! I'm more politically involved now and more aware of what's going on out there. With reality in mind, and the deep sense of philosophy about the world in which we occupy, I'm looking forward to the upcoming journey.