Friday 12 October 2012

[real not real] comment

What is reality? Oh shit. I think this subject may have been explored before. Oh well, fuck it... as I say. For me, reality is what's around us. It's everything that has been here before, and will be here long after we're all dead. And by that I mean the human race as a whole. The universe is real. 'Time' isn't, in the sense that clocks, schedules etc are all man-made constructs. Therefore they are not real. Time is design. It isn't the foundations on which reality is built. The universe is the foundations upon which reality is built. The trees, the oceans... all that stuff adds up to one big slice of reality. Clocks are just a phase, and once the human race has run its course... clocks will become obsolete. Time will have no relevance. Not in the way we know it anyway. The one constant? Space. That was here long before us and will remain here for a long, long fucking time. Disregard that clock (it's not real) and embrace reality.

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