Friday 19 October 2012

[freedom via slavery] comment

Are we free? Or are we led to believe that we are free? Free to choose. We work for our freedom. We are bound by these rules like slaves, aren't we? The symbolic image of a person in a suit, repeated over and over again, sums up this cycle we are caught in. Then, when we do finally feel 'free' it feels like we're falling out of control. Therefore slavery is control, and freedom is falling? This could well be the case. What happens when you let go, when you let your inhibitions take over? Do you feel that sense of freedom? Which is the most natural feeing... freedom or slavery? Or are we bound by both? I think we should connect more with that sense of 'letting go' and feel free from the daily routine. But that's just me, others prefer the structured 'system'. That's their freedom.

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