Friday 26 October 2012

[underneath the waves] comment

What's hidden between the lines? Underneath the waves? We are surrounded by energy. We are energy. But there are some things in this world that we simply don't understand... so what makes up that energy? What kind of energy is hidden, masked by the waves? Waves are all around us, and I'm not just talking about literal waves in the oceans... although they do make up a small part of what I'm talking about. Sound. Light. These can be measured as waves of energy. So, what about the energy that's beyond our understanding of the world? What secrets and/or power does it hold? Are we surrounded by energy that's beyond our comprehension? What if the energy as we knew it decided to evolve and take control? If it decided to fight back? Would our existence as we know it come to an end? Would the societies we have built be over? I think there are a lot of unexplained aspects of life on earth. Energy has yet to reveal it's true colours, where one colossal event could cause a multitude of ripples.

Friday 19 October 2012

[freedom via slavery] comment

Are we free? Or are we led to believe that we are free? Free to choose. We work for our freedom. We are bound by these rules like slaves, aren't we? The symbolic image of a person in a suit, repeated over and over again, sums up this cycle we are caught in. Then, when we do finally feel 'free' it feels like we're falling out of control. Therefore slavery is control, and freedom is falling? This could well be the case. What happens when you let go, when you let your inhibitions take over? Do you feel that sense of freedom? Which is the most natural feeing... freedom or slavery? Or are we bound by both? I think we should connect more with that sense of 'letting go' and feel free from the daily routine. But that's just me, others prefer the structured 'system'. That's their freedom.

Friday 12 October 2012

[real not real] comment

What is reality? Oh shit. I think this subject may have been explored before. Oh well, fuck it... as I say. For me, reality is what's around us. It's everything that has been here before, and will be here long after we're all dead. And by that I mean the human race as a whole. The universe is real. 'Time' isn't, in the sense that clocks, schedules etc are all man-made constructs. Therefore they are not real. Time is design. It isn't the foundations on which reality is built. The universe is the foundations upon which reality is built. The trees, the oceans... all that stuff adds up to one big slice of reality. Clocks are just a phase, and once the human race has run its course... clocks will become obsolete. Time will have no relevance. Not in the way we know it anyway. The one constant? Space. That was here long before us and will remain here for a long, long fucking time. Disregard that clock (it's not real) and embrace reality.

Friday 5 October 2012

[distraction of interaction] comment

Distraction of interaction (see previous post) is an accompaniment to the interaction is subtraction instalment. This and distraction of interaction are commentaries on the infrastructure of certain governing systems. The first was a reaction to the lives we lead... like ants scurrying around our cities, with no apparent cause. The idea being, that the more we interact the more we are subtracted from our own goals in life, hence interaction is subtraction. Distraction of interaction is a continuation of this theme, the more we interact the more we are distracted. The key reference in this piece is the use of faded and blurred 'symbols'. Again, 'systems' that give us something to follow. Something to distract us. Are we really leading out the lives we choose, or are we merely led to distraction and subtraction via interaction? Who fucking knows, but it's interesting thinking about it and creating a visual response.