Friday 2 November 2012

[perplex complex reflects] comment

It can be a confusing and intricate process, recognising the past. To move forward... do we actually need to commit time to the past? Is there any point in that? Surely what's done is done, and it's what comes next that is important. Or do we learn from our mistakes? Am I over-thinking this? This image came from my sub-conscience. I often find it challenging when it comes to the 'past/future' debate. I like looking back and exploring what happened. I also like looking forward and the excitement of what tomorrow will bring. I think the two need to work in unison... learn from the past so we can build a better future. But let's not dwell or live in the past... no. That would be bad. Recognise it, enjoy it, think it over... then move forward with a sense of purpose. Fire those brain cells and embrace time in a collective sense.

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