Friday 28 September 2012

From one existence to the next

Energy. What is it? Is it just a way of powering things? Cars, lights, toasters, electric toothbrushes etc etc blah blah. Or is it deeper? We all know we run on energy, and if we eat too much fuel we get fat, and if we exercise we burn that fat. It's a simple enough equation. Energy enters our body, then energy leaves our body... right? Each of us are a person created by two other people, so some of their energy went into making us. Ok, that seems fine... they combined their energy, and gave a little bit to us so we could exist. But what happens when we die? Is it simply a matter of gradually fading out, like a candle? Does our energy go somewhere when we finally die? I think energy is always travelling form one point to the next. That's how the universe works. When I die, I take comfort in knowing that my energy will eventually be a part of something else. I believe that we don't just die and that's it. It's a huge lifecycle that continuously balances itself out. It's just that in this instance, we are human and we have what's called a conscience. We can think about things, and interact with things in a different way. Once the energy has left our bodies though, it moves onto something else... balancing out the bigger picture. Passing from one existence to the next.

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