Friday 7 September 2012

Open up, let it out

Over the past few weeks I have experimented with some automatic writing and subconscious sketching... as you can see in my 'automatic excerpts' and 'subconscious studies' 1 through 3... oddly enough.
So, what are they all about? Well... nothing really. I've simply opened up my mind and have let out whatever words and images are in there. With the automatic writing, it's just a random blend of spontaneous words, sentences and mark making. Whereas the subconscious sketching is allowing my hand to explore the page without any preconceived ideas or notions. Both techniques allow me to open up and let out whatever I want... so anything goes. There is no right or wrong answer with this level of creativity, as it's completely introspective and self indulgent. It's a kind of therapy. This type of outlet enables me to then relax my creative mind so I can then focus on more specific creative projects, for example within my design management business. Within my business it's very specific and well planned... the complete opposite to what I do within my 'modern creative' headspace. My 'modern creative' outlet enables me to do better in my 'design management' job.
You can do this too! Open up and let it out. Try it with a blank piece of paper or notebook. Don't pressure yourself to get anything right. Don't listen to anything your brain tries to take control of! Let go. Allow yourself to make marks or express words without fear. It sounds easy doesn't it? Or is it?
See how you get on.
We're so governed by rules and set systems that it's difficult to 'let go'. Even drawing and writing is controlled by a set number of rules. You have to take a step away from this and say 'fuck it' I'm not going to let any rules or anyone else’s ideas interfere with the marks I make on this page... 'fuck off!'
That's why I consider it a great form of therapy. To allow yourself time to do whatever you want with words and images. I always feel calmer after a spout of automatic writing or subconscious sketching. It's my therapy. Is it yours? It's also a great way of opening up your creativity. If I'm having a bad day with a clients design brief, I'll stop and grab my sketch book and do some random stuff instead! You know that thing they call a 'block'? Writers call it a writing block. I suffer from 'creative blocks' which I resolve by indulging in some automatic and/or subconscious work. Then I'm all better and can tackle that commercial design brief head on.
So open up, let it out. It can improve your personal and working life.

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