Monday 10 September 2012

The Media tells you what to do

The internet, television, magazines, newspapers, radio... every conceivable media platform moulds the way you think, and consequently tells you what to do.
Consider it for a moment. You flick on the news at 7 in the morning whilst making your coffee. Depending on what news you view, it can affect your thought process. It can dig deep into your subconscious and affect your mood pattern... without you even realising it. This is the non-direct way of how the media affects your behaviour. But there is of course the more obvious form of media manipulation, namely advertising. Advertising doesn't simply inform you of the products benefits anymore, it also taps into your emotions and belief systems. It takes advantage of you, so you buy their product. We all know that this happens, but do any of us mind it? No, not really. We kind of accept it, and can see straight through it. As a matter of fact, it's ok... because at the end of the day we have a choice. We can choose to buy or not to buy. This is not the case however when it comes to political propaganda.
The Media can steer it's audience into one collective way of thinking. By Media, I am referring directly to the news we see on the TV and the internet etc. IE journalism. Over time, and if it's well designed... the Media can convince the majority of the population how to think, and therefore tell them what to do. It's a form of brainwashing. If you didn't watch the news, would your life change? Or is it just another form of control? The Media is a 'fear machine'. Go on, try it. Watch the news for a week and monitor your mood and behaviour. Then, the next week... don't watch it. How do you feel? Which do you prefer? How do we know what the Media is telling us is accurate? Once you realise this, you begin to question everything... as I have. I take snippets of information from various sources and try to paint a balanced picture.
So, advertising and propaganda. Two forms of media from two ends of the spectrum. One manipulates our senses, but we still have a choice. Where there other manipulates our choice and blinds our senses.
My mood becomes more positive when I make my own decisions about my life. When I think for myself. When I turn off the noise and actual consider what is best for me and my family. Don't get me wrong, I do like to keep informed with world events. I just don't let it affect my behaviour. It doesn’t tell me what to do...

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