Friday 17 August 2012

Everything has its limit? Fuck that shit...

  1. every thing or particular of an aggregate or total; all
  2. something extremely important
  1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent
  2. a boundary or bound

What a fucking way to think eh? Could it be an excuse? Well, I can't go any further... I've reached my limit. After all, everything has its limits! Who said so? Who sat there and said... hmmm... lets make everything limited. I don't fucking think so.
For one thing, my thoughts aren't limited. So immediately that phrase falls flat on its face. Oh no! My thoughts have been limited... what am I to do!? Precisely. It's complete bollocks.
All you have to do is open your mind, and you can do anything. The only person holding you back is you. Forget all that stuff you've been force fed and start to believe in yourself. If you have a dream, do something about it. Don't just sit there subjecting yourself to the free-flow of excuses that pop up and occupy your mind. Try this, as soon as a negative or 'limiting' thought comes to mind, do the exact opposite... straight away! For example, you want to paint a picture but your brain tells you that you can't be bothered and you'd rather sit on the sofa watching TV. Fuck that shit!! Get up, grab those paints and that canvas you got 3 months ago and just get on with it. The more you do this the easier it gets. I've been employing it for the last few months and it's starting to become second nature. IE:

My initial thought: I think I'll go for a bike ride
My lazy/limited mind: No you don't, sit down and put your feet up
My 'fuck that shit' thought: Fuck you! No, I'm going for a bike ride NOW!!

...and before I know it I'm on my bike, feeling a hell of a lot better. I don't know what it is about modern man, but it seems that the general population is all too happy sitting around and accepting things as they are. Or are they? People seem to have strong ideas and beliefs about something, but don't act on it? Why? What's the one thing you want to do before you die? Well?? I bet you haven't even started it yet, or you find an excuse not to do it, or you're putting it off until next year. Sorry, but you'll get to 87 on your death bed wondering 'Why the hell didn't I just get on with it 50 years ago? Fuck. Now I'm too old and I'm going to die.'
Fuck. That. Shit.

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