Monday 20 August 2012

Making it up as I go along

Today, I'm doing just that. Making up this blog as I go along. I don't have a set plan of what I'm going to talk about... it's just going to come to mind and I'm going to type it. But this is not automatism. No. I'm still going to write with conscious interaction. Blah blah blah. Etc etc. To be continued. So, what next?
The concept of time is simple: Without time, man would simply spiral into nothingness. Imagine, getting up when the sun rises and going to bed when it gets dark. There is no 'Monday' or 'August' or the year '2012'. It's just space. A massive planet with no time. If clocks were suddenly gone, would you freak out? How much do we take for granted regards 'time'? As for the advanced array of systems that arguably clog up our planet, don't get me started! Most systems are good, some are bad. As much as I dislike the concept of systems and being governed, I do see their value, as without them it would be chaos and we would all suffer. So, it's all about balance... isn't it? I believe in balance and harmony. But I am also like extreme things too. To put it simply, I like red meat but I also like fresh peppers. I like wine but I also like water. I like snuggling up in bed but I also like skydiving. I like metal music but I also like soppy rom-coms. I like monsters but I also like kittens. So, I get a greater variety in my life due to keeping it balanced! I'm not against anything, and I'll give anything a try! Why not? When you first hear someone talking about balance and moderation, you may think that it's a boring place to be. Far from it. You actually experience more! Because you are open to ideas and therefore will experience a greater number of opportunities. I like sitting in the dark drinking coffee whilst writing blogs, but I also like wide open spaces meeting new people in new places. I'm both anintrovert and an extrovert. I like taking time for myself as much as I like to spend time with other people. I find people fascinating. People from all walks of life. And I value each and every person just the same. I'll strike up a conversation with anyone, regardless of their social status. I don't care where you are in your job or what car you drive. If you're a descent human being, that's good enough for me. I try not to take myself too seriously, which you might find odd if you've read all my previous blogs. Yes, I like to get on my soap-box... but why not? I then balance it out with then talking complete childish bollocks! So that's ok! I don't want to be known for being either. I just want to be allowed to explore my feelings and emotions as they occur, and not be set to a single track. I guess that's why I'm an artist. I soak up information, think on it, then either regurgitate it in some manner or not. It's whatever inspires me. For example, I love metal music, horror films, extreme sports and taking risks. But some days I also love to chill out, kick back and watch a rom-com with my wife knowing that everything is organised for the next day. Sometimes I like to plan, and sometimes I like to be spontaneous. But that's just me. I don't like to be set by one rule. Just because I'm one thing doesn't mean I can't appreciate another. Balance is the key. But what is a key really? Is it just an object that enables us to keep our possessions secure? Car keys. House keys. We all have them. But what about the key to your inner self? Have you ever used it? Try it now. Take your 'key' and unlock your inner mind, and release those inhibitions! Do what you've always wanted to do. Stop securing it. Let it free! That's the key. There is no predetermined end to this blog, it's just going to fade off at some point, which is going to happen very soon I think. I do that quite a lot. 'Think'. How about you? I like thinking. It kind of goes with planning... and reflection of course. I think about things that have happened so I learn from them. I think a lot. I think there's a philosopher in me somewhere that will one day break out. Maybe in my later years, you know, when I'm 70 or 80... when I have even more time to 'think'. However, even at that age I intend to be going out on my mountain bike and to metal gigs. That'll give me a lot to think about I'm sure. Being 70 and going to a metal concert. That sounds amazing. I will also be travelling a lot from my mid 40's I think, once my kids are older and I'm living in a smaller house. I want to put my money into travelling the world with my camera and business, rather than being tied down to a large house that takes up all my time. That's not for me! Time is short, so let's fill it with the stuff we want to do. Time's up.

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