Friday 31 August 2012

Why are you reading this?

I mean, haven't you got anything better to do? Why don't you go and do what you want to do, rather than reading about what I want to do?
This is a personal journal of my artwork, that I have decided to put on-line. So if anyone wants to read it, or look at my random sketches, they are more than welcome to. However, haven't you got anything better to do? Why are you still reading this? Unless of course you aren't reading this, and you have actually gone off to do what you want to do. Which is great, but I'm now talking to you (who's gone off to do what you want to do) as if you're still here. Which is impossible. It's not going to work. So I need to talk to those of you who are still here, reading this paradoxical babble. Why are you still reading this? There is no greater purpose regarding this random collection of words other than to waste your time... so stop reading and go and do whatever you want to do! That project you've been putting off for the last 6 months... go and do it. It's got to be better than reading this nonsense surely?
I now assume you've all gone off to do what you want, so I'll talk to myself for a bit...
dvbiasdbf dfoadfo dsf dsFOHF DFODF DFOdfiohfdofi df dhih FIDHF dd sdv vdvdoih dsoiVD NDOFHd fd ffkdfh dfdF DFDOIFH D dkdfjhsd fdsnf jlF jf dohd oSDO CDOHI FFBEMWFB E,DCCDFHFORIF jpioe ag roighq gqerf dqwpi e.
I always find it therapeutic to let it all out.
To you, if anyone's there, those few lines of letters above may seem like complete twoddle. But to me, they are symbolic of my inner calling. To confuse and disorientate in some way. To suggest the possibility that there doesn't have to be an answer, or a set way of doing things. Randomly write, draw and behave. It's fun and breaks you away from the daily grind. So why exactly are you still reading this? I'm not going to change you. You need to do that. If you haven't got the message yet and you're still reading this, then there is little hope for you. Unless of course, you can drag yourself away before I complete this particular blog. Go on, stop reading. Quick! Before I reach the end! If I reach to end before you stop reading, you'll never go and do what you want to do. You'll always follow others. You'll always read about how other people are doing. So go! Now! I'm approaching my last sentence. Oh for fucks sake... why are you still reading this??

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