Monday 6 August 2012

What has happened in my life so far, in a nutshell

I was born on November 3rd 1977, so just over 34 years and 9 months ago. Yes, I turn 35 this year... how I got to this number I don't quite know. I still feel like I'm 18 sometimes. Yet other times I feel a lot older... because of what's happened in my life so far. So, in a nutshell...
From the age of 0-5 I was born and toddled about a bit! I don't remember anything from this time so I can't comment on it. So for the first 5 years of my life I have no appreciation of it. Damn. It must have been ok as I'm still here! From 5-22 I went through the education system. This shaped me into the well-rounded individual I am now. I attended primary, middle and high school where I struggled to make sense of any of it. I just put my head down and worked the best I could. I made a few friends, who are still my friends today. I did well at graphic design and art, and got good enough grades in maths, english and science to go onto college.
In 1994 I started 6th form college where things got better. People actually wanted to learn their subjects, and there were no idiots or bullies. It's here I think I actually started to find 'me'. By the upper-sixth (year 2) I had found myself and my preferred subjects. I had a close-nit group of friends, and I was studying A-level art, technology and photography. Towards the end of my second year I put together my first ever artists portfolio, I was 18. I had an interview at the Norwich art school, and to obtain a place I had to have a very strong portfolio of work. Which I had. I was offered an unconditional position in the early part of 1996, so there was no pressure on me to get top grades in my A-levels! I did ok at A-level, but I much preferred the degree to come.
From September 1996 - June 2000 I went to the Norwich art school. The first year was a foundation year, then I got onto the 3 year degree course in graphic design. I studied graphics, photography, publishing, illustration and animation. It was an amazing time and I made a great deal of friends. I did experience my first ever trauma at the art school in 1999. My girlfriend died during the second year of my degree. She killed herself, and that has been an emotional scar I've carried to this day. This event changed my perspective on life. I graduated in 2000 at the age of 22.
So I left the art school, single and a little messed up. I got a good grade, but I was robbed of my full potential due to the trauma I went through in the third year... trying to complete my degree work whilst grieving for my dead girlfriend. However, I dug deep and pulled through. I was not going to give up, and I didn't. I learnt that I was a determined and stubborn individual, and that the innocent, naive 'child' had gone.
For the year after graduation, I worked part-time at the art school as a technician. I also joined a drama group so I could meet new creative people. I also formed a band with a close friend... times were good. I took a step back and relaxed. It was in the new drama group that I met someone very special... Michelle. It was in the second term, the spring of 2001 that we first noticed each other. We would go to the pub after rehearsals and chat away about anything and everything. We hit it off really well. 3 years later we married, and today we are still here! It's been a rocky road, with some hard times... but equally fantastic times.
In a nutshell, life is amazing. You have to accept the rough with the smooth! It's true. I have a brilliant family, with a beautiful wife and two amazing boys. Back in 1999, I chose to move on the best I could and not dwell. If I hadn't of done that, I wouldn't have graduated and I wouldn't have joined a drama course. I wouldn't be where I am now. I am grateful for all the experiences I have had, as they have enriched my life. Right now, I am building up a creative business (alongside my personal artwork) whilst my family grows. It really is quite magical being with someone you love so dearly, as your children grow and discover new things.
I suppose I've only really been conscious of the last 18 years, from when I was 16. It was when I was 16/17 that I really understood who I was. It's as if for the first 16 years of your life, you're literally growing, playing and learning. It's not until you become a young adult that things start to become real for you. So in that sense, I'm not 34... I am only 18!

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