Monday 30 July 2012

Accept the vast emptiness and move on

Yes, we are a tiny planet floating amidst a vast cosmos of emptiness, but that's not to say we don't matter. We do matter, that's our purpose. That's what makes us different. That's the reason we need to exist. That's our point. Life does happen... and we are living proof of that.
I've been on an exploration of my values and beliefs over the last 4 months (see previous blogs) and I am pleased to say I've finally worked it all out. I believe in the cosmos, and I have accepted the vast emptiness of it all. That each of us are tiny specs existing on a planet that itself, is a tiny spec existing amongst a vast universe of other planets, stars and solar systems. It's more than we can ever fathom, and if you think about it too much... it can totally overwhelm you. It feels good to accept this. It feels good to know that I am so small... so I can now move on.
The importance of our lives is built up so much, where things like religion and media make us believe we are more important than we are. In the bigger scheme of things the earth is not the centre of the universe! Science soon rectified that one. We're always trying to work out what our purpose is, why we are here and what the meaning of life is. Well, I have the answers... and they're not hard to grasp. All you have to do is let go and realise that nothing is as important as it seems.
Our purpose is to exist. To survive. To eat, sleep and reproduce. Why? Well... why not? That's the option. Either we exist or we don't. Which would you choose? If you choose to live, why not do something good with it? Enjoy it. Embrace it. Interact with other people in a positive way. Why worry about all of those little things that seem so important? Accept the vast emptiness and move on. Take life by the hand and embark on a journey. Realise that there is no greater purpose, no divine being who has all the answers. Be yourself and think for yourself. Then you will discover the meaning of life for yourself. Don't be afraid to question things either. Stop being told what to think. Thinking isn't illegal.
What I'm trying to get at, is that it could all be over in a micro-second. I don't want to depress or sadden you, no. I want to share with you the reality of our situation. We are vulnerable, yet we have this amazing gift. The gift of life. There is no wise old man with a beard in the heavens, who will answer your prayers. There are however, other human who are real and do need help. Maybe you could answer their 'prayers'? Don't wish upon a star either. Act upon a feeling, and do something instead. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.
4 months ago I felt lost, but now I feel complete. Spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. I've found my 'centre'. I've accepted the vast emptiness... and now I'm moving on. What will today bring? Well, that's up to me.

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