Friday 27 July 2012

The art of protest

Just say what you fucking mean. That's what I'm starting to tell myself everyday, and it's through my art that I am starting to find my voice... and my voice wants to protest.
Conformity scares the shit out of me. There's something inside of me that is screaming to be heard, and it is through my art that I am taking this journey. With the aid of this blog, my 'automatic' note book and my sketch book... I am able to connect with ideas that have been bottled up for the best part of a decade. I have realised that I am an artist (shock!) and not suited to being a conventional cog that is subjected to a daily grind. I feel as if I have a different route to take. I want to make art via words, photos, drawings and film. I feel as if I have a purpose, and it's this purpose that's driving me.
But what is it that I want to say? What is my protest?
I want to question everything! So, where to begin. Why are things the way they are? Who decided the 'system' should be run this way? When I think about it, it often overwhelms me. The daily horror that occurs on this planet. How much choice do we really have? From the moment we're born, we're already on course to do what's expects of us. So my protest is, what would it be like if we could all choose different paths? If there was an alternative option?
I want to protest against politics and the system.
For fucks sake. There's so much to question. So it's through my art that I am going to share my thoughts. I don't want to lead a revolution, no. I just want to study the bigger picture, and get people thinking. I have this voice inside that wants to say something... and be heard. It's all about living your life honestly. For you, this may be working 9-5 so you can buy that house you've always wanted. Good for you! As long as you answer your inner 'calling' (see blog on 4th July) you are on the right track.
So, my art is not simply about aesthetics, portraits or landscapes. It's more than that. It's about making a point. About protesting through the medium of art. However, this is just one part of the puzzle... there is also an 'art' to protesting! As in, there is a skill to protesting effectively, and making your point so it connects with the audience.
Remember... the art of protest.
So, what do you want to protest about?

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