Wednesday 4 July 2012

So, what is your 'calling' in life?

For me, there are three types of people when it comes to work... and in my opinion, they are ALL equally important. It's just working out which one fits your character and lifestyle.
The first type is a 'job'.
This is appealing because you get to go to work on a set pattern (IE. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) and you are given clear instructions on what to do. If you do it well, then you are paid at the end of each month and free to spend your money on whatever you want. You don't have the stress or responsibility for the business where you work. You can go home at the end of each day and relax. You'll probably do this same job for 30 years, and play a crucial part in getting the job done for the business.
The second type of work is a 'career'.
This is the next step on from a job, where you have set yourself clear goals in the business you are working for. You climb the 'career ladder'. You may start out in one job, then you become a supervisor or manager. There is more responsibility, so you simply cannot leave the office at 5pm and 'switch off'. In many ways, you are your job. You have ambition, and a desire to progress and do well. You may step into a career from university, as you have all the training you need. The fact is, you are a key part of the process where you run a team and make tough decisions. The buck often stops with you. Fortunately, you enjoy your work and you are paid a competitive salary.
The third and final type is a 'calling'.
People who follow this path are often great visionaries and entrepreneurs. They create businesses. They change things. They question things. They have a 'calling' in life to do something different. They have this desire, passion and energy to build their own business. It's not a job or a career... it's a lifestyle. If you have a calling, it is part of you. You want to work because you love it... it's an integral part of your personality. Clocking off at 5pm doesn't appeal to you. The concept of retirement is lost on you. To respond to your calling takes a lot of guts and determination.
It's for the risk takers.
You'll know if you have a calling or not, because right now you're thinking about that idea for a business you've never acted on. So what's it to be?
A job?
A career?
A calling?

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