Monday 16 July 2012

Fuck religion and politics

Do you ever get the feeling that your sense of 'self' has been filtered down? That you are simply a byproduct of a 'design process' that is beyond your control? Well, I do.
Religion and politics are two huge, bloated vehicles that run our world. Yet, in the history of this beautiful planet... they are relatively recent concepts.
So what do they do?
They tell us how to think, and they are the main contributing factors regards war, famine, hatred... to name a few. When was the last time you were actually satisfied by a political agenda or issue? Have you ever been able to go through any of their manifestos and tick off each and every policy when it's been delivered?
No? I didn't think so.
I'm no expert in politics, but I do understand what I see and read. A gaggle of 'representatives' often distracted by their own party-politics, bickering and egos, whilst blatantly ignoring the key issue... people. People are what's important. Not bureaucratic nonsense that every one of us is tired of witnessing. We see it on the news, on-line and in the papers. It's everywhere.
The media tells us what it wants us to know.
What I'm trying to say is, do you think we'll ever reach a point where politics actually resolves problems, as opposed to creating them? Is a utopian society achievable, where we're all satisfied with the way things are run? With the jobs we do, the money we earn and the taxes we pay?
No, because we all have different ideas. That's the point.
We'll never reach that position, because we have to understand that each and every one of us is different... and one system cannot rule us all. We have to learn to set aside our differences and simply respect each other. We have to critically think for ourselves in a state that allows people to be themselves. One 'boot' doesn't fit everyone. So why should we settle for one set of rules? For example, the education system has very strict criteria and goals for children. How can you expect one child who excels at sports and not maths, to do as well as a child who does excel at maths? The system needs to identify personal strengths at an earlier age... because we're all different.
Regards religion, we have a system that again, tells people how to think. Now, I'm not going to disrespect religion. We all have our beliefs and I respect those of you who are religious... that's your right as a human being. You have the power to choose. All I'm saying is, make sure you do get a choice. Think for yourself. Is this right for me?
As soon as we can respect each others beliefs, and critically think for ourselves, I know this will build a better society... a better world.
Fuck politics? Fuck religion?
Yes, for me. That's my belief. Now you must respect that and allow me to exist without conflict, as I will do with your beliefs.
However, I am for society as this planet does have an issue... its ever growing population of humans. We need a system that enables people to be themselves, and to focus on their beliefs and abilities in a positive manner. To allow them to think for themselves, yet feel assured that they will come to no harm. The problem is, that this could veer quite easily in anarchy... due to those people who can't but help cause conflict.
Libertarianism. Look it up. See what you think.
I don't like politics or follow a religion.
I would prefer a utopian state where people are free to think and play to their strengths. A world where people fully respect their fellow citizens. I may be idealistic, but that's what I think.

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