Friday 8 June 2012

Connecting with creativity (aka: Fuck ego)

Ok, so how do you connect with your inner creativity? How do you break down those barriers that constrain your every waking moment? Well, it's really quite simple. Fuck ego.
Now before you get the wrong idea, I don't mean ignore your 'self' or your 'identity'... no. That's not what I mean.
What I am referring to is the other aspect of ego, where things become egotistical. Where things become self-serving, vein and selfish. It's said that psychopaths are egotistical, only fulfilling what is required for their own selfish requirements. However, I also understand that these individuals (who yes, are an extreme example) are perhaps born with a chemical imbalance in the brain, causing them to act 'out of synch' with the rest of us. But let's not go down that route... as that's another subject altogether.
What I am trying to establish is, if you have a choice... try not to think about you own ego. Put your ego to one side when you are exploring creative projects. Open your mind to all possibilities. This is of course, if you have an ego!
For me, ego is a dirty word. That's my opinion. What's yours?
Egotistical, psychopathic behaviour is a major factor of modern society. Many of these selfish, self-serving people end up running companies, banks and governments. The very aspects of our world that run the show. They can even explain some religious endeavours. It takes a special kind of individual to convince people to believe in a fictitious book, doesn't it?
Well, yes.
So getting back to my initial argument, to connect with creativity you need to 'fuck ego'. How else can you create something new, exciting and fresh if you're only in it for selfish purposes? Is your motivational tool to make lots of money? If it is, this sits within the realm of egotistic behaviour. It's the capitalistic thread that's runs through society, and in turn stitches you up. Fuck it. Don't 'sell out'.
Fuck ego.
Let yourself go. Be free of selfish acts. Embrace people and the world. Be ethical. Think about the environment. Question self-serving religions and politicians who only really care about themselves. Look at war... what causes it?
Now, dispose of all that moral baggage you've collected over the years... be objective and connect with your creativity.

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