Wednesday 20 June 2012

Automatic writing, the best form of therapy

Way beyond belief, the rosemary child sings. Shall we go to my choice of scape? Or be it too much. Jump, did you, could you. Fear is the mind in conceptual tone. A man rushes over to the straw stack, only not to begin badly a negative reaction. Oh how he went on. Could not get the meaning. Rejoice in a radical state, for the tree shall always dance in the shadow of doubt. The fruit points and tempts me, I cannot resist, as if I would. Tragic beliefs see the way, just in time, as the old woman told them way back. All our time has leapt beyond our world, we are left alone, standing.
This passage is from my automatic handwriting notebook. It is the first page of automatic writing I had ever done, and dates back to 1999... when I first really got into surrealism and dada.
As you can see, it's kind of random. I had no predetermined idea when I wrote this. I just allowed words and sentences to 'free-fall' out of my subconscious. However, it isn't easy as your conscious mind is always trying to step in and make sense of it. This gets really annoying. So as with any skill, it takes time and practice to get better at it.
The term automatic writing is exactly that... your mind is writing things automatically without consideration. It's hugely rewarding (spiritually) and extremely therapeutic. It's as if you're allowing your brain to unload... much like dreaming. It allows the subconscious to work through unresolved concepts and issues. For me, it's like letting off steam. Here's a more recent example of my work:
Unexpected pleasure flies via my consideration point. The unidentified conclusion exceeds even my own realisation of the unreal. Pentagram circle triangulating off of the prism. Shape of yellow, tangled in a 17 sided shade of people. Feeling unjust due to pleasure override, the urge to perform a random gift exceeds even my own expectation. My own desire to explore and explode and exist. It all falls apart at the apple. Cradle. Fudge. Lock and key. Loki. Frank. Side. Desire. Apple. Purple. A sore point even I could not find. Poke fun at any three singular rocks, and then talk to the seeds of the unreal.
For me, automatic writing is both therapeutic and creative. Some of the imagery and ideas that materialise because of this process, I would most likely never think of or give consideration to. Allowing your subconscious to take over for a while is fun... but you must not govern it. You must switch off your conscious, reasoning mind to fully appreciate the experience. I've been doing it (on and off) for 13 years now, and I still haven't perfected the technique.
Try it. See what happens.
You might feel better.
Grind the static rock.
Sound for what next.
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and get writing. Let you hand write whatever it wants. Don't think. Allow your subconscious voice to speak.

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