Friday 22 June 2012

Embracing the beauty of nothingness (live in the now)

It's a fantastic feeling. There's only one certainty in life... one day we are all going to die.
Does this make you feel sad or depressed? Why? It's inevitable! There's no way of avoiding it. One day everything you know will come to an end. So why not embrace this reality... accept the fact. Once you do this you can then begin to fully appreciate the beauty of life and nothingness. As you have gathered by now (if you've read all my previous blogs) that I'm a critical thinker. I'm a man of science and art. I understand the ethos of nihilism. I get the 'bigger picture'. Nothingness is not something we should be afraid of... it's something we should most definitely embrace.
So what do I actually mean by 'nothingness'?
Good question.
Well it's a tricky one, but once you do 'get it' you'll be on the same page as me. We're lead to believe (in one way or another) that our lives have purpose, and that the future is important. So I say: fuck the future! Say it with me:
Fuck the future!
Like I said, there's only one certainty in the future. We will be dead. Gone. I believe our energy will transfer into the cosmos. One day my particles may become part of a new star, or a blade of grass... or a pile of shit. I don't really care. I just know that energy is transferable, and we're all made from it. The cosmos is a big fucking place. So big, no one can really fathom its immense scale. Just accept you are here for a very small, insignificant amount of time... so why not enjoy it? Why not live in 'the now'?
So much bullshit is rammed down our throats: don't forget the past, plan for the future blah blah blah. How often do you come across a message that suggests you should just experience and embrace today..? This very moment. This is what is important. Being conscious of the time and place you are sat in right now. Yes, there is a certain amount of 'Fuck It' theory attached to this premise, so consider this an extension to that practice.
I don't believe there is an afterlife, and I certainly will not follow the preachings of religion. I won't waste my time with that nonsense. If you are religious, good for you. You clearly need guidance. That's your choice. Now go away, I have no time for your clutter.
So, embrace the concept of nothingness... that one day you will die. Accept it and move on. Live in the now and live each day as if it's your last. Stop reflecting on the past, and stop planning for the future. Well, not so much... let's keep it realistic... for the moment. It's a challenging concept to clasp. However, try to put most of your energy into the present. Live for now... because one day, you will become nothing.
Now that you embrace this and you have accepted your fate (death), you will feel less stressed and more energised. You will realise that it's actually a very positive and uplifting realisation of the truth.
Right now, I feel happy as I've written this blog and expressed my feelings.

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