Monday 25 June 2012

You are a tree, you are not the car you drive

What I mean by this is that we are nature, yet most of us define ourselves by the man-made materialistic objects that surround us.
So what is it to be a tree?
Let's briefly explore this concept. I don't want to get too wrapped up in the alternative rant regarding 'material possessions', as you're probably already aware of my viewpoint there! (That is, if you've read all my blogs to date) re: the idea that we work jobs to buy shit we don't need etc etc. Let's leave that, and concentrate on being a tree.
I often wonder what it would be like to be a tree. Seriously. None of us can determine how we come into existence, as it's all by chance that we're here in the first place. Where were you born? Who are your parents? Did you have a say in this? Could you have been born in a third world country? Well yes, you could have been... and you would have had a very different life to the one you have now that's for certain.
What I'm getting at is, we have no 'control' over who we are... or where we are born. So let's take this idea a step further, and look beyond our own species. If the universe is made up of energy, and built upon by 'chance', we're just as likely to exist as a tree. So, you're here reading this blog... but you could have been created as a tree. You could be blowing in the wind instead. Your leaves rustling in the breeze. You would not have the human concerns of materialism. Money would be of no interest to you, and you certainly wouldn't give a shit about cars!
Yes, life as a tree is (arguably) a lot simpler. True, you may have worries about these 'humans' cutting you down... but that's to say you are conscious. Do trees 'think'? Are trees worried about being cut down, or are they oblivious to this apparent threat? I think it's the later, but that's because I'm human and I like to think about things. They are oblivious (or are they?). They're probably too busy enjoying the sensation of the wind rustling through their leaves.
Q. So, what separates us from trees?
A. Cars.
Well, by cars I mean 'stuff'. Material wealth. We surround ourselves with things because we have brains that can create, imagine and design systems. We have the ability to 'progress'. We can build better and better cars.
To conclude I leave you with this simple question:
In 300 million years, will humans or trees exist on the earth?

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