Wednesday 6 June 2012

What inspires me Pt 1: The influence of 'Fuck it'

Earlier this year, I was meandering around the Waterstones book shop in Norwich and came across a book titled 'Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way' by John C. Parkin. So immediately, I had to pick it up. There was no question that this book title leapt out at me.
As I stood there, reading the synopsis, I realised I was not alone. I too had 'Fuck It' potential. I too realised the insignificance of meaninglessly worrying about day-to-day bullshit, that in the long run equates to fuck all. This book looked like it would make a lot of sense. So I had to buy it. For the next two days, I kept dipping into it until I had finished it. I can never read a whole book in one sitting, plus because, I also have a good 2 or 3 books on the go at any one time. I do this because I like to bounce to and from subject matter, making cross references along the way. It makes it more fun.
Back in February this year (2012) this book helped me unlock a lot of pent-up rage and anger concerning modern life. It confronts issues that in the bigger scheme of things, really don't matter. For example, if you are worrying about paying the rent this month say 'Fuck It', there's no point worrying about it, it's inevitable. Say 'Fuck It' and move on. The problem will be there either way, so you might as well let go of all the worry and deal with it in a more positive way. Don't get me wrong, 'Fuck It' is not a get out clause, nor a lazy way out... it's simply a way of de-stressing within western society.
In the west, we are overly commercial and run by capitalist regimes. We are governed by the job we have, the car we drive and the education system our kids go to. We have no deeply woven spiritual or religious calling. In western society, the overwhealming 'belief system' is that of commercialism. So for us, the best way to cut through that bullshit is to use strong language... in this case 'Fuck It'. The word "Fuck' has a lot of association surrounding it. It can be violent, funny and abusive. So for us, in our western civilisation... saying 'Fuck It' to your mortgage repayments is a key relaxation tool. Try it:
Say 'Fuck It' to bringing up your kids the right way.
Say 'Fuck It' to politics.
Say 'Fuck It' to eating the right food.
Say 'Fuck It' to brown nosing your boss.
'Fuck It'
'Fuck It'
'Fuck It'.
You get the idea. No matter how big or small your stress is, apply this simple technique and you will feel better for it. It's just another way of dealing with it. The next time you feel yourself getting stressed over anything... say 'Fuck It'. The issue with then fade away and become less significant. The more you do it, the better you will become at it, and the better your results will be. You will actually be able to tackle stress a lot more effectively, and deal with the issue head on... because you have empowered yourself.
This method has inspired me hugely. I now do more (or less), it depends. I do more of what I want to do, and less of what I don't want. "Fuck it, I don't want to buy that piece of clever furniture. It won't make me feel any better." or "Fuck it, you know what... I will start writing that blog!"
I urge you to read the book 'Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way' by John C Parkin.
'Fuck it' just read it.
Take it easy... relax... and let go.

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