Monday 11 June 2012

Science and nihilism over religion, but that's just me

I don't know about you, but I much prefer information that's based on fact not fiction. I feel very strongly about religion, in the sense that it's completely incorrect.
Take this fact: christianity is only 1,982 years old... yet nihilism is 280 millions years old. Of the two, I consider christianity a far worse contributing factor to human and political issues. It is my 'belief' that what makes us human is not what god you follow. This to me, is ludicrous. To follow a 'god' and their written word is an insult to the human race. It's an insult to those of us who can critically think for themselves.
I am a follower of science. I like to keep up with what's going with factual based information. My belief system is based on the earth, the solar system and the universe. The earth is a small spec floating through an immense cosmos that most of us cannot fathom. For me, this puts religion into perspective. This scientific approach has a very close association with nihilism. Unfortunately, nihilism has negative connotations surrounding its core message. Basically, nihilism is nothingness. We are not here for any great purpose (as religion would have us believe). We are here because we happen to live on a planet thats conditions (by chance) were such that it could sustain life. That's it. It's basic metaphysics. We're here by chance.
The human race then evolved, and with it a great deal of complications arose. As said christianity is just 1,982 years old, yet it is also one of the largest religious movements. I find it very difficult to understand how intelligent people can believe in a book written nearly 2,000 years ago. But I follow science and nihilism... so I would think that.
Science gets a bad wrap because it disputes everything religion explains regards our 'creation', and nihilism often gets tagged as a form of terrorism... which is ridiculous. I am not a terrorist, I just know that in the greater scheme of things there is nothing other than how we choose to exist on this planet. Religion and politics are systems that have emerged alongside the human race to govern us. To control us. I guess that's why nihilism is seen as a form of anarchy or terrorism... because it has integrity... and it has the ability to question everything. Much like science, it strides to discover the truth.
For me, we exist for a brief moment on this planet and I choose to accept the truth of 'nothingness' and enjoy the time I have... with friends and family. Rather than burying my head in the sand.
But that's just me.

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