Friday 29 June 2012

There is no box

I used to love the phrase 'think outside the box'. Now though, I really hate it. It's become a cliché, and if you analyse its principle... it's a pretty rigid concept. For me:
There is no box in the first place.
To think outside the box has to involve a 'box' in the first place. In order to break the rules, you first have to be governed by them? Well, this aspect is true... rules can only be broken if there are any. The main problem I have with the phrase, is that it is used in creative and/or problem solving exercises where people can't seem to think of an original idea. Or by those of us that hit a 'dead end' with their ideas. Which I do... I put my hand up.
But I hate boxes.
Boxes confine and determine our behaviour. For me, a box symbolises a set of rules that govern how we think. So when someone says 'think outside the box', all they are trying to do is find their own voice. Their original idea. Well, here's an original idea: there is no fucking box!!!
I get most excited when there are no rules or limitations. I love being given a 'blank canvas' to come up with whatever I want. With no rules to guide you, how are you supposed to think 'outside' them? You can't! You have to dig deeper and connect with your individual ideas and theories. It's not a simple matter of going against the grain (as the box analogy would have you believe). It's actually about being honest with yourself and discovering your own ideas without having to break anyone else’s rules.
Radical? Not really.
This links quite well with my ideas on 'critical thinking'. To find your inner-voice, which isn't directly influenced by a 'box' or a 'system'.
So, the next time you're in a meeting and someone says 'we need to think outside the box', explain to them there is no fucking box and that you need to think of an original idea that has no correlation to a predetermined set of rules.
That'll shut them up.
There is no box.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Fuck it, I'm going to leave this page blank

To fully appreciate this concept, you need to read my blog: The influence of 'Fuck it' (6 June 2012)

Monday 25 June 2012

You are a tree, you are not the car you drive

What I mean by this is that we are nature, yet most of us define ourselves by the man-made materialistic objects that surround us.
So what is it to be a tree?
Let's briefly explore this concept. I don't want to get too wrapped up in the alternative rant regarding 'material possessions', as you're probably already aware of my viewpoint there! (That is, if you've read all my blogs to date) re: the idea that we work jobs to buy shit we don't need etc etc. Let's leave that, and concentrate on being a tree.
I often wonder what it would be like to be a tree. Seriously. None of us can determine how we come into existence, as it's all by chance that we're here in the first place. Where were you born? Who are your parents? Did you have a say in this? Could you have been born in a third world country? Well yes, you could have been... and you would have had a very different life to the one you have now that's for certain.
What I'm getting at is, we have no 'control' over who we are... or where we are born. So let's take this idea a step further, and look beyond our own species. If the universe is made up of energy, and built upon by 'chance', we're just as likely to exist as a tree. So, you're here reading this blog... but you could have been created as a tree. You could be blowing in the wind instead. Your leaves rustling in the breeze. You would not have the human concerns of materialism. Money would be of no interest to you, and you certainly wouldn't give a shit about cars!
Yes, life as a tree is (arguably) a lot simpler. True, you may have worries about these 'humans' cutting you down... but that's to say you are conscious. Do trees 'think'? Are trees worried about being cut down, or are they oblivious to this apparent threat? I think it's the later, but that's because I'm human and I like to think about things. They are oblivious (or are they?). They're probably too busy enjoying the sensation of the wind rustling through their leaves.
Q. So, what separates us from trees?
A. Cars.
Well, by cars I mean 'stuff'. Material wealth. We surround ourselves with things because we have brains that can create, imagine and design systems. We have the ability to 'progress'. We can build better and better cars.
To conclude I leave you with this simple question:
In 300 million years, will humans or trees exist on the earth?

Friday 22 June 2012

Embracing the beauty of nothingness (live in the now)

It's a fantastic feeling. There's only one certainty in life... one day we are all going to die.
Does this make you feel sad or depressed? Why? It's inevitable! There's no way of avoiding it. One day everything you know will come to an end. So why not embrace this reality... accept the fact. Once you do this you can then begin to fully appreciate the beauty of life and nothingness. As you have gathered by now (if you've read all my previous blogs) that I'm a critical thinker. I'm a man of science and art. I understand the ethos of nihilism. I get the 'bigger picture'. Nothingness is not something we should be afraid of... it's something we should most definitely embrace.
So what do I actually mean by 'nothingness'?
Good question.
Well it's a tricky one, but once you do 'get it' you'll be on the same page as me. We're lead to believe (in one way or another) that our lives have purpose, and that the future is important. So I say: fuck the future! Say it with me:
Fuck the future!
Like I said, there's only one certainty in the future. We will be dead. Gone. I believe our energy will transfer into the cosmos. One day my particles may become part of a new star, or a blade of grass... or a pile of shit. I don't really care. I just know that energy is transferable, and we're all made from it. The cosmos is a big fucking place. So big, no one can really fathom its immense scale. Just accept you are here for a very small, insignificant amount of time... so why not enjoy it? Why not live in 'the now'?
So much bullshit is rammed down our throats: don't forget the past, plan for the future blah blah blah. How often do you come across a message that suggests you should just experience and embrace today..? This very moment. This is what is important. Being conscious of the time and place you are sat in right now. Yes, there is a certain amount of 'Fuck It' theory attached to this premise, so consider this an extension to that practice.
I don't believe there is an afterlife, and I certainly will not follow the preachings of religion. I won't waste my time with that nonsense. If you are religious, good for you. You clearly need guidance. That's your choice. Now go away, I have no time for your clutter.
So, embrace the concept of nothingness... that one day you will die. Accept it and move on. Live in the now and live each day as if it's your last. Stop reflecting on the past, and stop planning for the future. Well, not so much... let's keep it realistic... for the moment. It's a challenging concept to clasp. However, try to put most of your energy into the present. Live for now... because one day, you will become nothing.
Now that you embrace this and you have accepted your fate (death), you will feel less stressed and more energised. You will realise that it's actually a very positive and uplifting realisation of the truth.
Right now, I feel happy as I've written this blog and expressed my feelings.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Automatic writing, the best form of therapy

Way beyond belief, the rosemary child sings. Shall we go to my choice of scape? Or be it too much. Jump, did you, could you. Fear is the mind in conceptual tone. A man rushes over to the straw stack, only not to begin badly a negative reaction. Oh how he went on. Could not get the meaning. Rejoice in a radical state, for the tree shall always dance in the shadow of doubt. The fruit points and tempts me, I cannot resist, as if I would. Tragic beliefs see the way, just in time, as the old woman told them way back. All our time has leapt beyond our world, we are left alone, standing.
This passage is from my automatic handwriting notebook. It is the first page of automatic writing I had ever done, and dates back to 1999... when I first really got into surrealism and dada.
As you can see, it's kind of random. I had no predetermined idea when I wrote this. I just allowed words and sentences to 'free-fall' out of my subconscious. However, it isn't easy as your conscious mind is always trying to step in and make sense of it. This gets really annoying. So as with any skill, it takes time and practice to get better at it.
The term automatic writing is exactly that... your mind is writing things automatically without consideration. It's hugely rewarding (spiritually) and extremely therapeutic. It's as if you're allowing your brain to unload... much like dreaming. It allows the subconscious to work through unresolved concepts and issues. For me, it's like letting off steam. Here's a more recent example of my work:
Unexpected pleasure flies via my consideration point. The unidentified conclusion exceeds even my own realisation of the unreal. Pentagram circle triangulating off of the prism. Shape of yellow, tangled in a 17 sided shade of people. Feeling unjust due to pleasure override, the urge to perform a random gift exceeds even my own expectation. My own desire to explore and explode and exist. It all falls apart at the apple. Cradle. Fudge. Lock and key. Loki. Frank. Side. Desire. Apple. Purple. A sore point even I could not find. Poke fun at any three singular rocks, and then talk to the seeds of the unreal.
For me, automatic writing is both therapeutic and creative. Some of the imagery and ideas that materialise because of this process, I would most likely never think of or give consideration to. Allowing your subconscious to take over for a while is fun... but you must not govern it. You must switch off your conscious, reasoning mind to fully appreciate the experience. I've been doing it (on and off) for 13 years now, and I still haven't perfected the technique.
Try it. See what happens.
You might feel better.
Grind the static rock.
Sound for what next.
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and get writing. Let you hand write whatever it wants. Don't think. Allow your subconscious voice to speak.

Monday 18 June 2012

A new design for life

Who says it has to be this way? I think that we all question our existence on a daily basis... whether we are fully conscious of this thought process or not. We're always weighing up the pros and cons of a situation, so why not apply this to a new design for life?
For me, my journey so far has been a roller-coaster. Fun, exciting, stressful and often chaotic. I wouldn't change any of the experiences I have had, plus I don't want to forget anything either. I think our experiences make us rich. For me, experiences far outweigh materialistic 'wealth'. I would rather go on a trip, go to a gig or spend time with friends than indulge in pointless material possessions. I'm currently going through 'a new design for life' process. This blog being one aspect of this shift... an outlet for me to express what's important to me, and maybe those of you who read it are inspired or discouraged by its content. Either way, action is taken.
As I've said, my life has been a roller-coaster so far, and I hope it continues this way. There are however elements that I don't want to pursue:
'Fear' is the main one for me.
'Regret' comes a close second.
In the last two months I have decided to say 'Fuck It' (see previous blog: 6 June 2012) to fear and regret. I don't want to be laying on my death bed in 50 years thinking 'Shit, I didn't do that!' or 'I wish I could go back and try that again.' No... that's not how it's going to be for me. I'm taking a deep fucking breath and getting on with what I want to do. I want to make a living as an artist (see previous blog: 15 May 2012). I have stuff I need to do. I won't sit back and be dictated to, or work in a job I hate to buy crap I don't need. That's for crazy people.
I will not be afraid. I will have no regrets.
Maybe you are satisfied with your life, and the concept of redesigning it doesn't apply to you. Good. I am happy that you are content. Just make sure it is the 'you' you want to live, and not governed by anyone else... or anything else. Look closer, look deeper... are you truly being honest with yourself?
I haven't been completely honest with myself for a number of years now. During my late 20's and early 30's I lost my way. I lost my inner calling. It's only now that I am rediscovering what it is that's missing and reconnecting with it. I was being pulled into the system... an office job, a boring job where my only outlet was to then buy crap to make myself feel better. So, I decided to quit.
I went self-employed a few years ago to break the cycle, and that was one of the boldest most exciting moves I have ever made (up there with marrying my beautiful wife and the birth of our child). It was a significant step forward, and the business is going well. It excites me that I've gone out and made that money off my own back, as opposed to working for someone else. Now I know I can do it, I'm going to continue running this business whilst also developing my own personal artwork.
Finally, after ten years of contemplation, I've said 'you know what, fuck It!' and got that tattoo I've always wanted. I also begin skydiving next year.
This is my new design.
No fear, no regrets.

Friday 15 June 2012

Turning ideas into words and words into art

Inception (2010) is a great film. Full of fine direction, acting and special FX. Plus it has a concept which shakes the foundations. Pardon the pun (if that was one). What is an original idea? And how does that relate to the subconscious? What does happen at the beginning of a project? Where do your ideas come from? Where do my ideas come from?
All I know is that I will suddenly have a brain wave. A moment of clarity where an idea has literally sprung to mind, as if out of nowhere. But why? How did this idea surface? Well, I agree with the concept presented by Inception. It's all about the subconscious. We are always picking up information, be it consciously or not. We gather information from our peripheral, as well as our direct interactions. From this, our subconscious mind will work out if it's a good enough idea to bring to our conscious mind. It will relate it to interior (mind) and exterior (life) elements of our existence to gauge wether or not the idea should be considered.
Well, I think this is what happens... to me anyway.
Once I have an idea, and it's a good one, there's no stopping it. It grows into a fully blown thought process! I rate thinking very highly. Not enough of us do it properly, and that's why mistakes are made. I will think about that idea to then determine if it should be realised. This process may take a few seconds or it could take a few years. It all depends on it's relevance at the time. Whatever the timescale, I will then take the idea (and its thought process) into the arena of words.
Turning ideas into words is a fantastic experience. It makes the idea real. Just be aware of what words you use, and in what tone... as this will help establish a theme for the idea, and you don't want to get this wrong! It shouldn't go wrong as long as you are true to the idea. That little voice in your head talking to you? Listen to it and write it down. Word for word. I employ a very straight forward technique... write what comes to mind. Like writing this blog... it's just happening.
Another technique I enjoy is 'automatic writing' which relates back to the Dada and Surrealist movements of the early 20th century. I will be talking about automatic writing more in the future, but for the moment I will explain its basic premise. You have to allow words to 'free-flow' out of your mind, down your arm, through you hand and into the pen. The connection you make with the paper in completely undetermined. Anything can happen! What you will normally get is a collection of random words. Therefore it can be quite a surreal experience and a very creative one, opening your mind to countless possibilities. The idea is, that you are allowing your subconscious mind to write... not your conscious mind.
Finally, once I have made the connection between the 'idea' and 'words', I then have the task of representing this visually. It has to become 'art'. I grab my sketch book and begin exploring the concept established in the idea and words. From there my sketches evolve, and soon enough this leads me into creating my final piece.
So is there such a thing as an original idea? Well, that's up to your subconscious.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

To tweet, or not to tweet: that is the question

Apologies to anyone who hates it when a Shakespeare quote is exploited for other purposes. You'll just have to deal with it. For me, the question isn't 'To be, or not to be...' but for the basis of this blog it's 'To tweet, or not to tweet...'. This sounds like a fun diversion from my usual topics, which it is... sort of.
I still don't really get 'Twitter'.
I 'get' Facebook (which for me is a love/hate relationship), I also 'get' blogging... clearly. Facebook is an anti-social 'social' tool, which I battle with week in, week out. Whereas blogging is much better as it is a more informative form of social media. Blogs are like websites, just updated more often.
But Twitter?
I have Twitter accounts for this, and my part-time business... but I only ever use them occasionally as if they were headlines of a newspaper. Or to direct 'people' to something. Or maybe promote something. Twitter, for me is an activity I feel as though I should be doing, as opposed to actually needing to do it. I go onto my Twitter accounts and read other people's tweets I am 'following', but all too often I am perplexed by what the fuck is going on. So this begs the questions, what IS the point of it?
I think there are far more interesting things to do other than Tweet. I go onto Twitter simply to promote my next blog, or maybe to say something profound. Other than that, I really have no interest in it. It's moving too quickly, and if you're following over 1,000 people... how the hell do you manage it?
Don't tell me you read EVERYTHING.
Twitter is another platform on which to overwhelm yourself with unnecessary information.
It's a popularity contest, without actually being popular. All I see is noise. An ever-bulging cyst on the internet. Words for words sake.
In a world where we need to have everything now, delivered to us in as few letters as possible, Twitter just seems to be to embodiment of this. Our concentration spans are worsening, and I only see Twitter as another means of reinforcing this concept. That we are too busy to read, listen or watch anything that takes up more than 3 seconds.
Just to clarify, 'tweeting' is not 'being'. Far from it. It is actually the complete opposite. To conclude this rant successfully, I need to make my intensions perfectly clear. 'To be' is to exist with purpose. 'To tweet' is to exist without purpose. That's why it's so beautifully ironic to use that quote and flip it on it's head.

Monday 11 June 2012

Science and nihilism over religion, but that's just me

I don't know about you, but I much prefer information that's based on fact not fiction. I feel very strongly about religion, in the sense that it's completely incorrect.
Take this fact: christianity is only 1,982 years old... yet nihilism is 280 millions years old. Of the two, I consider christianity a far worse contributing factor to human and political issues. It is my 'belief' that what makes us human is not what god you follow. This to me, is ludicrous. To follow a 'god' and their written word is an insult to the human race. It's an insult to those of us who can critically think for themselves.
I am a follower of science. I like to keep up with what's going with factual based information. My belief system is based on the earth, the solar system and the universe. The earth is a small spec floating through an immense cosmos that most of us cannot fathom. For me, this puts religion into perspective. This scientific approach has a very close association with nihilism. Unfortunately, nihilism has negative connotations surrounding its core message. Basically, nihilism is nothingness. We are not here for any great purpose (as religion would have us believe). We are here because we happen to live on a planet thats conditions (by chance) were such that it could sustain life. That's it. It's basic metaphysics. We're here by chance.
The human race then evolved, and with it a great deal of complications arose. As said christianity is just 1,982 years old, yet it is also one of the largest religious movements. I find it very difficult to understand how intelligent people can believe in a book written nearly 2,000 years ago. But I follow science and nihilism... so I would think that.
Science gets a bad wrap because it disputes everything religion explains regards our 'creation', and nihilism often gets tagged as a form of terrorism... which is ridiculous. I am not a terrorist, I just know that in the greater scheme of things there is nothing other than how we choose to exist on this planet. Religion and politics are systems that have emerged alongside the human race to govern us. To control us. I guess that's why nihilism is seen as a form of anarchy or terrorism... because it has integrity... and it has the ability to question everything. Much like science, it strides to discover the truth.
For me, we exist for a brief moment on this planet and I choose to accept the truth of 'nothingness' and enjoy the time I have... with friends and family. Rather than burying my head in the sand.
But that's just me.

Friday 8 June 2012

Connecting with creativity (aka: Fuck ego)

Ok, so how do you connect with your inner creativity? How do you break down those barriers that constrain your every waking moment? Well, it's really quite simple. Fuck ego.
Now before you get the wrong idea, I don't mean ignore your 'self' or your 'identity'... no. That's not what I mean.
What I am referring to is the other aspect of ego, where things become egotistical. Where things become self-serving, vein and selfish. It's said that psychopaths are egotistical, only fulfilling what is required for their own selfish requirements. However, I also understand that these individuals (who yes, are an extreme example) are perhaps born with a chemical imbalance in the brain, causing them to act 'out of synch' with the rest of us. But let's not go down that route... as that's another subject altogether.
What I am trying to establish is, if you have a choice... try not to think about you own ego. Put your ego to one side when you are exploring creative projects. Open your mind to all possibilities. This is of course, if you have an ego!
For me, ego is a dirty word. That's my opinion. What's yours?
Egotistical, psychopathic behaviour is a major factor of modern society. Many of these selfish, self-serving people end up running companies, banks and governments. The very aspects of our world that run the show. They can even explain some religious endeavours. It takes a special kind of individual to convince people to believe in a fictitious book, doesn't it?
Well, yes.
So getting back to my initial argument, to connect with creativity you need to 'fuck ego'. How else can you create something new, exciting and fresh if you're only in it for selfish purposes? Is your motivational tool to make lots of money? If it is, this sits within the realm of egotistic behaviour. It's the capitalistic thread that's runs through society, and in turn stitches you up. Fuck it. Don't 'sell out'.
Fuck ego.
Let yourself go. Be free of selfish acts. Embrace people and the world. Be ethical. Think about the environment. Question self-serving religions and politicians who only really care about themselves. Look at war... what causes it?
Now, dispose of all that moral baggage you've collected over the years... be objective and connect with your creativity.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

What inspires me Pt 1: The influence of 'Fuck it'

Earlier this year, I was meandering around the Waterstones book shop in Norwich and came across a book titled 'Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way' by John C. Parkin. So immediately, I had to pick it up. There was no question that this book title leapt out at me.
As I stood there, reading the synopsis, I realised I was not alone. I too had 'Fuck It' potential. I too realised the insignificance of meaninglessly worrying about day-to-day bullshit, that in the long run equates to fuck all. This book looked like it would make a lot of sense. So I had to buy it. For the next two days, I kept dipping into it until I had finished it. I can never read a whole book in one sitting, plus because, I also have a good 2 or 3 books on the go at any one time. I do this because I like to bounce to and from subject matter, making cross references along the way. It makes it more fun.
Back in February this year (2012) this book helped me unlock a lot of pent-up rage and anger concerning modern life. It confronts issues that in the bigger scheme of things, really don't matter. For example, if you are worrying about paying the rent this month say 'Fuck It', there's no point worrying about it, it's inevitable. Say 'Fuck It' and move on. The problem will be there either way, so you might as well let go of all the worry and deal with it in a more positive way. Don't get me wrong, 'Fuck It' is not a get out clause, nor a lazy way out... it's simply a way of de-stressing within western society.
In the west, we are overly commercial and run by capitalist regimes. We are governed by the job we have, the car we drive and the education system our kids go to. We have no deeply woven spiritual or religious calling. In western society, the overwhealming 'belief system' is that of commercialism. So for us, the best way to cut through that bullshit is to use strong language... in this case 'Fuck It'. The word "Fuck' has a lot of association surrounding it. It can be violent, funny and abusive. So for us, in our western civilisation... saying 'Fuck It' to your mortgage repayments is a key relaxation tool. Try it:
Say 'Fuck It' to bringing up your kids the right way.
Say 'Fuck It' to politics.
Say 'Fuck It' to eating the right food.
Say 'Fuck It' to brown nosing your boss.
'Fuck It'
'Fuck It'
'Fuck It'.
You get the idea. No matter how big or small your stress is, apply this simple technique and you will feel better for it. It's just another way of dealing with it. The next time you feel yourself getting stressed over anything... say 'Fuck It'. The issue with then fade away and become less significant. The more you do it, the better you will become at it, and the better your results will be. You will actually be able to tackle stress a lot more effectively, and deal with the issue head on... because you have empowered yourself.
This method has inspired me hugely. I now do more (or less), it depends. I do more of what I want to do, and less of what I don't want. "Fuck it, I don't want to buy that piece of clever furniture. It won't make me feel any better." or "Fuck it, you know what... I will start writing that blog!"
I urge you to read the book 'Fuck It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way' by John C Parkin.
'Fuck it' just read it.
Take it easy... relax... and let go.